2. Jeremy Lin – P.O. – 6’3″ – Charlotte Hornets

Jeremy has long showed his admiration of Kenny Atkinson, attributing a lot of his success to the man. The whole ‘Linsanity’ movement was a product of the hard work both of them put in turning Lin into a serious ball player from a drafted novelty. Lin has already expressed his intention to stay in Charlotte but something we all know is that money talks. Lin is currently on a player option of $2.1m but the lack of free agent PG’s means his value has blown up and could easily make 4-5 times that if he wanted to test the market.
Lin averaged 11 points and three assists from Charlotte bench in the season just gone, he works well in the pick and roll and would be a great match up for Kenny. Could the pull of Atkinson, money and ‘big market’ provide too much for Jeremy and see him become a Net?