Welcome Back, Nets Fans!

Hey guys! My name is Jonah and I’m going to be the new editor for the New Jersey (soon to be Brooklyn) Nets blog From Russia With Dunk. The Nets may not be having the best of seasons this year, but that doesn’t mean that they are not an exciting franchise with lots to talk about. Next year they will be moving into their beautiful new arena in Brooklyn where they will hope to turn the direction of the franchise around. Recently, the Nets have been in a bit of a slump, losing back to back home games against New Orleans and Cleveland, but Avery Johnson and the rest of the guys will still be working hard and focusing on making a possible, though unlikely, playoff run this year.

The Nets have recently traded for Gerald Wallace, a former all-star for Charlotte and Mikhail Prokhorov hopes that the franchise is moving in the right direction. Obviously for the Nets, the focus this year is on the big picture and the future, so here at From Russia With Dunk, we will spend plenty of time talking about that. There are tons of big questions heading into the offsesason, starting with Deron Williams’ future. Will he be wearing a Brooklyn uniform next season? Other big questions will be whether Gerald Wallace chooses to “opt-in” to his contract and resign with the team next year and whether the Nets will be able to make a trade with Orlando for Dwight Howard. Expect articles giving my opinions about these topics coming soon.

Before I go any further, I thought that this would be a good time to introduce myself. I have lived in New York City my entire life and have been a Nets fan since I was 9 years old and the Nets made a run to the NBA finals (ahh how I miss the good ol’ days of Jason Kidd). My family went to as many playoff games as we could in those days, which prompted us to buy season tickets for 3 years from the 2006-7 season until the 2008-09 season. The reason we discontinued buying season tickets was because the tickets were so cheap on stubhub and we were losing money. For those of you who do not know, stubhub is a great ticket website, especially for the Nets. I urge all of you to attend at least one game in New Jersey this season. The Prudential Center (A.K.A. The Rock) is easily accesible via NJ Transit from New York City and you can also drive if you have a car. The tickets sell on stubhub for as low as a single penny for many games, and you should go before the Nets become too popular and expensive next year in Brooklyn. The games are very fun and enjoyable, and once you go once, you are sure to go back. I will be attending tomorrow’s home game against the Wizards, and I hope to see many of you there too.

Back to talking about myself (which I love to do oh so much), I am currently a student at Colorado College, so I am only able to go to these games because I am on spring break. While at college, I will obviously still continue watching the Nets play and following them closely, as I have done the whole year, even though I wish that I could be at the games. Before writing for From Russia With Dunk, I wrote for my own Nets blog, Kim Had Humps (you can see the blog here). The title refers to Kris Humphries’ and Kim Kardashian’s very public relationship last year. We wrote mostly about the Nets there, but we also threw in some articles about the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, and other New York and national sports. Also, whenever I would stumble upon any video or article I think is especially funny or worth reading, I will comment on that. I may do that in the future here on From Russia With Dunk as well; we will see what our readers prefer. Speaking of readers, I want to know what YOU, the readers, have to say about issues raised in my articles. Even if you disagree with me, I want to know why and what you think. Feel free to post any comments and I will try my best to respond. I look forward to the rest of this season, to the future of the Brooklyn Nets, and to writing for this blog.