Markel Brown Is Going To Be A Force To Be Reckoned With


Markel Brown went from playing minimal minutes in the beginning of his rookie season, to playing a massive amount of minutes as a starter after the All-Star Break. Brown had his toughest task thus far on Friday night as he was given the job of guarding MVP candidate James Harden who has a history of making defenders look silly.

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Brown did an exceptional job, he held Harden to 15 points on 15 shots and afterwards Brown was admittedly “scared” to guard Harden. “It was crazy,” Brown said of facing Harden. “I guess when you’re scared out there it makes you a little more aware of who you’re guarding. Harden’s a great player, and I was out there just trying to do my best against him.”

Coach Lionel Hollins was impressed with Brown’s defense on Harden and it is a luxury for the Nets to have a rookie that can hold his own going up against the best player’s that this league has to offer. “Thought Markel did an outstanding job on Harden throughout the game. We just didn’t close it out” Hollins said.

It wasn’t just defensively where Brown had an impact, Brown also collected 14 points and 4 rebounds on the game. Brown has been starting in the place for the injured Bojan Bogdanovic and when given the chance, Brown has taken advantage of the opportunity. Bogdanovic is probable to play in Brooklyn’s game against the Dallas Mavericks on Saturday and it will be tough for Hollins to take Brown out of the starting lineup with the way he’s been playing.

“I’m just learning everyday. The vets have taken me under their wing. Been a surreal week for me.” -Markel Brown

In his short tenure as a starter Brown has had his moments and his athleticism has seemed to spark the team at times. Brown even was able to do an in game 360 dunk in Wednesday’s game against the New Orleans Pelicans.

Brown is flat-out athletic and his 43.5″ max vertical supports that statement. Brown isn’t the best shooter yet, but let’s not forget that he is 23 years old and a rookie. He hit two three-pointers on Friday, so maybe that will get him going, but as long as Brown is playing lockdown defense and dunking the basketball, he will continue to receive playing time.

The Nets acquired the 44th overall pick in the 2014 NBA draft on draft night and with that pick they took Markel Brown. Nets fans went bonkers when they saw a video of Brown completing an insane dunk in college, let’s watch that dunk again.

Brown has all of the intangibles to be a great NBA player and in just one week he has excited an entire fanbase. Brown will continue to improve as he gains experience and he can be a big part of the Nets future.

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