Swag Shop
The Swag Shop is home to both Nets and Islanders gear. The day I went, the shop was filled with more Islanders gear, mainly because there was a game that night. There were lots of folks who came in looking for a plain Nets t-shirt, but had to leave disappointed. Nevertheless, there was still plenty of gear fans could choose from.
Pro tip: Go to the Swag Shop on a Nets game-day I guess?
Right off the bat, we’re greeted with some familiar faces: Isaiah Whitehead and Sean Kilpatrick, two of our New Yorkers on the team (Chris McCullough is the third). Hopefully the Brooklynite shows up for us during the season.
The exterior of the Swag Shop pic.twitter.com/eQwAAZTgBD
— Sandy Mui (@SandySMui) October 22, 2016
There might’ve been an Islanders game that night, but the Nets Store was still PACKED with Nets gear. Just look at all those racks of shirts and rows of caps. By the way, the “Brooklyn Remix” jerseys look even better in person.
Lots and lots of #Nets gear pic.twitter.com/2J65oRzi0r
— Sandy Mui (@SandySMui) October 22, 2016
The Nets are capitalizing on having Brook Lopez and Jeremy Lin on the squad — hence Brook-Lin. Brook-Lin is trademarked by Lin, but the shirts in the Nets Store have the phrases “BrookLin” and “Brook-Linsanity.” I bought a “BrookLin” shirt myself; not really a fan of the phrase “Brook-Linsanity.” 20 years from now, I’m going to look back at this day and tell myself that it was totally worth the $22 expenditure.
Some #BrookLin shirts pic.twitter.com/gxwELHwM2N
— Sandy Mui (@SandySMui) October 22, 2016
I honestly have way too many Nets shirts. The team can do just about anything with their colors of black and white, and I’m always amazed at the cool t-shirt designs whenever I stop by the Nets Store. Luckily, I’m smart enough to resist purchasing more, unless the shirt says “BrookLin” of course.
Like... pretty 🔥 pic.twitter.com/CqUdT5BcIU
— Sandy Mui (@SandySMui) October 22, 2016
On another note, though unrelated to the Nets store, the And1 shop is just a couple of minutes away. Unfortunately, it wasn’t open when I was in the area, so I can’t give you a scoop on Sean Kilpatrick’s gear. (Shoutout to SK for liking my tweet though).
Aw the @and1basketball store isn't open. I wanted to look around for some of @SeanKilpatrick's stuff pic.twitter.com/YfyYzZppNk
— Sandy Mui (@SandySMui) October 22, 2016