Sideline Antics
A new week means a new chance to get a complete look at Kenny Atkinson’s coaching. While his offensive system has passed with flying colors in the early season, his defense has some flaws in it. However, there is one thing that has been very poor from Atkinson on the sidelines. Atkinson’s vertical leap could use some help. He’s going to really need to get off the ground if he wants to catch the eyes of the officials. A lot of players like to see their coaches emotive on the sidelines as it makes them feel like they have their coach’s support on the floor. Atkinson has become more and more colorful during games, and color this writer impressed. He hasn’t resulted to fake accidents like one former Brooklyn coach who shall remain nameless.
Next: Ferrell Makes Encouraging Debut
He also has done it in a way to not show up the officials and has kept himself from hurting the team by earning technicals. As the season goes on hopefully we’ll see more of this from the Nets’ sidelines on a nightly basis. Atkinson is a New Yorker, there isn’t much reason to believe his outbreaks of emotion will slow down (even if he tried to).