Incomplete: Jeremy Lin
2016-2017 Season Stats: 14 GP, 13.1 PPG, 2.9 RPG, 5.5 APG
It would be unfair to try and place Jeremy Lin on this list properly. He has been injured for most of the season and has only played in a handful of games. The injuries have made it difficult to see what his impact on this team really is.
Lin was signed in the offseason because of his close relationship with Atkinson. Lin and Atkinson worked together while both were with the New York Knicks during the 2011-12 season. Atkinson has been credited with being one of the reasons Lin broke out that season, this resulting in “Linsanity.”
RELATED STORY: The Bond Between Lin and Atkinson
Lin’s familiarity with Atkinson and his offensive style seemed like they would be a good fit. Lin’s knowledge of the offense was to help the team gel better on that end of the floor. Fans looked forward to the prospect of watching him and center Brook Lopez play together, running the pick-and-roll.
Unfortunately, he has not played enough to really see how he fits into the roster. When he does play, it has been tough to judge because he seems to always be shaking rust off. He shows flashes of the creative scoring guard the team knows he can be, but not often.
If Lin plays out the rest of the season, then we will find out the role he will play in the future. Right now, Lin is the starting point guard, but still not playing many minutes. If he can create the chemistry between himself and the other players, then he could be fun to watch.