3. Randy Foye
2016-2017 Season Stats: 45 GP, 5.3 PPG, 2.4 RPG, 2.1 APG
Randy Foye has done a great job of being the veteran player that does only what he is asked to do. He did not know what his role was going to be upon signing, but the team is happy to have him. Foye is a proven scorer in the NBA and the perfect player to guide the young guards on the Nets.
Offensively, Foye isn’t the player he once was, but he can still light it up once he gets going. His ability to drive to the rim and finish makes him a dangerous threat every time he has the ball. Add that to his good three-point shot, and he is an offensive spark plug on the floor.
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Foye can still play good defense and arguably has been the best defensive guard on the team. His quickness allows him to stay in front of opponents and prevents them from getting to the rim. He also possesses quick hands that allows him to poke the ball away from opponents without fouling.
Foye has been a model teammate and has done exactly what has been asked of him by Coach Atkinson. He has been shuffled from the bench to starting lineup multiple times and has yet to complain. His minutes have been inconsistent, but it has not affected his morale or play.
When Foye is inserted into the game, the Nets know they are going to get quality minutes and controlled play. His stats do not tell the whole story of his impact on the team.