Culture Change?
According to Durant himself, the Brooklyn Nets culture and the system which the team already put in place prior to his arrival ultimately sealed the deal putting him in black and white threads for his career’s next stage. That culture, now and prospering after learning from the Billy King regime’s sins may experience some jeopardy once next season tips off.
Although all the other organizations which formerly housed Kyrie Irving failed to possess the factors which appear to have already placed Brooklyn on a pedestal as the best fit for Irving thus far during his career, such as his hometown allure to the city and already established friendships amongst his teammates, he still brings a large and formerly controversial personality alongside as baggage.
If Irving proceeds to disregard said factors and ignite locker room conflicts similar to those which played out in Boston or Cleveland, Brooklyn’s frequently praised culture will most definitely fall under attack.
— James Stewart ☝️ (@IAmJamesStewart) June 18, 2019
Although he awaits only a role which plants him firmly atop Brooklyn’s bench thanks to his injury, Durant’s personality may add fuel to a potential fire within the organization.
With KD already busted for orchestrating burner Twitter accounts, stirring up locker room arguments with players such as Draymond Green, and frequently allowing the media to get under his skin, to call the Slim Reaper and his personality a “wild card” going forward may even be an understatement.
I totally forgot about the Kevin Durant burner account until just now. We don't talk about that enough.
— Ben Axelrod (@BenAxelrod) November 14, 2018
Factoring into this, the Brooklyn Nets youthful roster also lacks an established leader. With no real presence to check any potentially detrimental antics from Irving or Durant, the locker room reeks of vulnerability.
The setting for all this appears destined to play a role as well. Merging these personalities already warrants a caution sign, but doing so while encapsulated by the New York City and its always turbulent media outlets poises to possibly stir up enough drama to build a reality TV show around it.
After his media tirade last night, and given the fact he likes to make burner accounts to fire back at folks on Twitter, you have to wonder how well Kevin Durant would respond to the media/criticism that comes with playing here in New York.
— Ryan Field (@RyanFieldABC) February 7, 2019
I'm guessing it would not be pretty.
In order to protect this culture critical to the Brooklyn Nets continued success, Brooklyn must establish a positive relationship between its new stars and the coaching staff early on. Generating an honest and open dialogue across all segments operating within the organization certainly suggests that the Nets, as well as both Durant and Irving, stand ready to burry their less admirable characteristics and move forward by contributing to, rather than tearing down the team’s already prosperous identity.