When the Brooklyn Nets announced their rebrand just over a decade ago a tsunami of enthusiasm and wonder followed. Artistic fans put their heads together, coming up with exotic mock jersey designs, colorways, and even mascots in the spirit of a fresh start.
Not getting excited over the whole ordeal was simply not an option. However, when the team’s new logo and uniform designs came out, everything quickly dried up.
Although I’ve grown to appreciate the clean look of Brooklyn’s black and white threads, they first felt like a missed opportunity to me. Built around two bland colors, the new jerseys seemed to lack imagination. It was like the team didn’t own a color printer or something.
But as I noted, those jerseys have indeed grown on me and I feel like most Nets fans can say the same. They possess a sharp, business-like look, which is something often lost in major sporting league uniforms.
Aside from that though, the team’s abundance of creativity in its alternate jerseys over the years has also helped us stay content with the team’s home/away threads.
The team’s Brooklyn Dodger uniforms from the early 2010s offered a nice taste of history, the more recent Jean-Michel Basquiat jerseys were especially slick, and the original Biggie Smalls alternates might go down as the greatest uniforms in team history.
This coming season, the team once again looks committed to pairing its grounded home and away jerseys with some ambitious alternates. Between what’s confirmed and what’s been leaked, here’s how the Brooklyn Nets 2022-23 season uniforms stack up.