Brooklyn Nets star Brooklyn Nets star

Brooklyn Nets: 5 Most confusing statements from Kyrie Irving’s IG rant

Kyrie Irving (Photo by Steven Ryan/Getty Images)
Kyrie Irving (Photo by Steven Ryan/Getty Images) /

On Wednesday night, Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving had seen enough and needed to clear the air. By the end of his 20-minute speech on Instagram, many were left with more questions than answers.

Preaching a message of unity and tolerance for personal choice, Irving touched on many aspects of his ongoing saga with the vaccine mandate passed by the state of New York.

“This is one body that I get here,” said Irving. “One God body that I get here. And you’re telling me what to do with my body?”

Irving answered some questions everyone has been asking about his basketball future, stating he’s not looking to retire as has been speculated by the media. Still, his vaccination status going forward remains uncertain.

Moving onto more general statements about the whole situation, Irving started to lose me with several of the things he was saying.

“I’m still uncertain about a lot of things, and that’s ok.”

On March 11, 2020, the United States changed forever as COVID-19 concerns began shutting down the country building by building. That was the day the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

As a result of the contagious nature of the deadly virus, Operation Warp Speed began an effort to create a vaccine as soon as possible. By January 2021, effective vaccines started becoming more available, ones that have been widely regarded by the CDC as effective in preventing COVID-19.

We’re now in October and over 6.5 billion doses have been administered worldwide, according to Bloomberg. At this point, I’m not sure what Kyrie can still be uncertain about, and with over 4.5 million dead, no, it’s not ok.

“We just came out of one of the craziest pandemics of all time.”

Ok, but did we, though? Assuming you trust the Center for Disease Control as a credible source (which I do), there have been 44.5 million cases of COVID in the U.S. in the last 30 days and 716,370 deaths in total.

Worldwide, countries like India have 33.9 million confirmed cases while Brazil has 21.5 million. The United States might have the virus more under control than they did before January (interesting how that worked out), but by no means have we all “come out” of the pandemic.

“For some odd reason, people love to have my name in the mix of some BS.”

When you’re someone who’s touted the Earth as being flat, soured relationships with multiple former teammates, and is constantly the center of endless drama, it’s hard to also be the victim. Still, Irving still painted himself in that light on his Instagram.

I’m not sure what’s so odd about having your name in headlines if you’re constantly doing things to create them. We all know Irving’s history of being caught up with drama wherever he goes, and it’s not a coincidence.

“I respect all the doctors working diligently trying to find the answer to this.”

You know, respect is a funny word. I’m sure Kyrie does respect the efforts of those in the medical field that worked around the clock to put a stop to this pandemic. The thing is, they did find an answer to this.

In Irving’s own words, he’s “just a hooper.” Is the need to not be told what to do bigger than his respect for the qualifications of doctors and physicians? Are we at a point where he’s still doing diligent research that might override theirs? I just don’t get it.

“I’m rocking with those that chose to get vaccinated and are choosing to be safe.”

Am I reading this wrong or is Kyrie Irving saying getting vaccinated means you’re choosing to be safe here? It certainly sounds like it. I don’t recall this particular part being in his Instagram live, but CBS Sports writer James Harbert transcribed the full closing statement on Twitter.

One thing I do agree with Kyrie about is how the issue isn’t political. That’s right — it’s medical. It’s scientific. Mr. Irving doesn’t exactly have the best track record with science. If he believes outside sources not backed by science or physicians are more reliable than professionals who’ve dedicated their lives to those fields, then he won’t change his mind.

So does Irving “rock with” both unvaccinated and vaccinated people? Sure, I believe that. And of course, we should always treat each other as people no matter our opposing views. But choices come with consequences, whether it’s the death of a loved one or the loss of a job.

I wish I could sit here and say Kyrie’s monologue helped provide answers to several questions. Unfortunately, it very much didn’t.